Exercises for acute lower back pain.


Back extensions (in standing)

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.  Place your hands on your buttocks, keep your knees straight then lean back as far as is comfortable  without causing yourself discomfort. Hold for 1-2 seconds, return to the start position and repeat 10 times.  Reps:

General exercise such as walking or gentle swimming can also help your back pain. Try to build up slowly how much activity your back can tolerate. Movement and exercise helps back pain. Please see our back pain information leaflet for more details.  Reps:


Back extensions

  • Lying on your stomach, rest on your elbows and gently lift your chest off the floor. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • As above – lying on your stomach, rest on your elbows and gently lift your chest off the floor, Do not hold, return to lying on your stomach. Repeat    Reps:


Knee roll

  • Lying on your back, your legs bent at 90 degree, with your knees and feet together gently and feet together gently allow your legs to roll to one side. Go as far as is comfortable, return to the start position, then repeat the movement to the opposite side. Reps
  • As above – lying on your back, your legs bent at 90 degrees, with your knees and feet together gently allow your legs to roll to only one side, away from the painful side. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Reps:


Single knee hug

Make sure you are lying comfortably. Gently draw one of your legs towards your chest (you can use a towel placed around your knee to help you if you have trouble reaching). Hold for 5-10 seconds, relax then and repeat on the other leg. Then repeat 10-15 times. Reps:


Double knee hug

Lying comfortably, draw both legs towards your chest (a towel placed behind the legs can assist you). Hold for 5-10 seconds, relax. Reps:


Self referrals

You can self-refer into community physiotherapy services. Simply call 0207 871 0545 to make an appointment. Your initial contact with one of our chartered physiotherapists may be over the phone, where you will either be given advice on appropriate treatment, or a face-to-face consultation will be arranged.

Should you wish to speak to your GP first, simply make an appointment with your local practice. If your GP refers you, one of our patient care advisers will contact you within 48 hours to arrange an appointment.

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Photographs of Camden by Joe Hearsey

Camden MSK logo by Eloise Jones

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