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Weight Management. Services to improve general health
Being overweight can increase your risk of developing serious diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. This risk increased the more overweight you are. Obesity can affect your quality of life and can sometimes lead to depression and low self esteem. Below are resources and information on services offered in Camden.

Voluntary Action Camden
Voluntary Action Camden is a ‘CVS’ or Council for Voluntary Service. Organisations such as ours are also known as an ‘umbrella’ or ‘infrastructure’ organisation. Essentially, we are charity that supports other charities and community groups to thrive.
Below are just some of the services on offer.

Camden Green Spaces
The Value of Camden's Green Spaces to Health & Wellbeing
People who live in places with rich green infrastructure tend to be happier, healthier and live longer lives. People from more disadvantaged communities benefit to an even greater degree. This is linked to greater physical activity; the mental wellbeing benefits of experiencing nature; and opportunities for social connection.
Parks and a green public realm also provide the habitats and natural ecosystems needed to improve air quality, and to tackle and adapt to the effects of climate change such as heatwaves and flooding.

The air we breathe
The air we breathe affects our health. If air quality is poor it can be harmful to our lungs, heart and brain and can be especially harmful for babies, children and those with existing health conditions such as asthma.
In North Central London, we are working together across both the NHS and our local Councils (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington) to raise awareness about the impact of air quality on health.
We also want to provide useful information, advice and guidance about what we can all do to improve the air around us and reduce our exposure to poor quality air, both at home and outdoors.

Adult social care
Information and advice aimed at adult social care is available on health and wellbeing, keeping active, living with disability or illness and caring for someone.

Services to maintain physical health
Keeping active by exercising and taking part in sports is important for keeping your body at a healthy weight. Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases and decreases the risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Camden offers opportunities to be active with various sporting opportunities.

Keep active and find out about activities in your local community.
Services to maintain mental health
If it is outside of working hours and you feel that you cannot wait to see your GP or mental health team, then please use one of the following options of services within our borough:

Information available about local mental health and wellbeing support services in Camden. This includes a series of self-help guides that have been developed to help make a start towards recovery.
Stop Smoking. Services to improve general health
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and musculoskeletal health. How you choose to stop smoking is up to you, but there is a lot if information available to help and guide you kick the habit for good.