Back pain treatments from a specialist


Your GP, specialist or physiotherapist may recommend extra treatments if they don’t think your pain will improve with self-help measures alone.

These may include:

  • group exercise classes – where you’re taught exercises to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture
  • psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – this can be a useful part of treatment  especially if you’re struggling to cope with the pain
  • occassionally (but not often) manual therapy – treatments such as manipulating the spine and massage, are offered by physiotherapists, or osteopaths but people usually need to make behavioural changes in addition to this

Remember in Camden you can see a physiotherpist without seeing your GP first. If you would like to see a therapist for manual therapy only, you’ll usually need to pay for private treatment.

Surgery is generally only considered in the small number of cases where back pain is caused by a specific medical condition.


Self referrals

You can self-refer into community physiotherapy services. Simply call 0207 871 0545 to make an appointment. Your initial contact with one of our chartered physiotherapists may be over the phone, where you will either be given advice on appropriate treatment, or a face-to-face consultation will be arranged.

Should you wish to speak to your GP first, simply make an appointment with your local practice. If your GP refers you, one of our patient care advisers will contact you within 48 hours to arrange an appointment.

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Photographs of Camden by Joe Hearsey

Camden MSK logo by Eloise Jones

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